Les ailes de la Rolls effleuraient des pylônes
Quand m'étant malgré moi égaré
Nous arrivâmes ma Rolls et moi dans une zone
Dangereuse, un endroit isolé
Là-bas, sur le capot de cette Silver Ghost
De dix-neuf cent dix s’avance en éclaireur
La Vénus d’argent du radiateur
Dont les voiles légers volent aux avant-postes
Hautaine, dédaigneuse, tandis que hurle le poste
De radio couvrant le silence du moteur
Elle fixe l’horizon et l’esprit ailleurs
Semble tout ignorer des trottoirs que j’accoste
Ruelles, culs-de-sac aux stationnements
Interdits par la loi, le cœur indifférent
Elle tient le mors de mes vingt-six chevaux-vapeurs
Prince des ténèbres, archange maudit
Amazone modern' style que le sculpteur
En anglais, surnomma Spirit of Ecstasy
Ainsi je déconnais avant que je ne perde
Le contrôle de la Rolls. J’avançais lentement
Ma voiture dériva et un heurt violent
Me tira soudain de ma rêverie. Merde!
J’aperçus une roue de vélo à l’avant
Qui continuait de rouler en roue libre
Et comme une poupée qui perdait l'équilibre
La jupe retroussée sur ses pantalons blancs
«Tu t’appelles comment?
— Melody
— Melody comment?
— Melody Nelson. "
Melody Nelson a des cheveux rouges
Et c’est leur couleur naturelle
I came from before the days of people prefacing their sentence with: “I came from _______” . So.... since I just said it, ill say it more: I came from the days where I just wanna hear this particular song again while driving through the canyons with my dog in my convertible whilst I enjoy the sunshine. I am going to Mulholland doggy park where I will be listening to the song again. I will walk up to strangers in the park and preface my conversations with “I came from.....” and I will make up a new lie every time. To one group of people I will say “I came from Walgreens”, next group: “I came from Beaverland”, next group: “I came from a cult”, next group: “I came from Black Rock City”, and I will just repeat this ALL DAY LONG. Even if I’m talking to a different group of strangers and someone already heard me before. Would you like to know WHY I am doing this? It is all because “I CAME FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL DOWN THE STREET”.
WOW, just heard this...amazing! I have to say I heard "Paper Tiger" by Beck first but think it might be a little of a rip off of this song. The orchestration, and progression and really everything (other than the language or spoken word delivery). Anyone else catch that?
Came across this song in a deep black hole searching through Apple Music and I’m so glad I did. The groove at the beginning of the track is everything. Holy shit don’t get me wrong the whole song is great but there’s so much more to explore on that groove in the beginning.