He vapes outside the vinyl store; then steps inside.
To comb the crates for rarities; it’s his delight.
His youthful past still floats
around. Both in his head, and in his sounds.
The cardboard smelt (ayht?) and play cards, that sounds so good. (!?)
Break your heart or lift you up; make you feel good.
Taking him back through many years, to a time when, he knew no fear.
Middle 8
He clicks and fads (quickly finds?) a precious gem.
It takes him back, to Lewisham.
He steps outside to vaporize and meets no harm.
His tattoo faded, ancient now, there on his arm.
An ALBATROSS on muddled skin.
Which always serves to remind him,
Of a time, he wished he could go back,
Worshipping Pe-ter Green’s Fleetwood Mac.