Good theme, I must trust, if you allow me, that there are things from behind my story, that even if they are contradictory, they coincide with this story, not to say how familiar this is to me. After all, to give up a place, such as to refuse a record label, are things that would be so absurd and illogical for anyone, for every human being to be aware, to omit, and that, however, sometimes, it is worth , in consideration of others. Greetings.Abel Hernández C. (Missionary and independent praise minister)(SELECTED NATIONAL ORCHESTRA AND YOUTH CHILDREN OF MEXICO, ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS ... A LOT BEFORE KNOWING YOU, WITHOUT COMPOSER, ACT, WRITINGS, MUSICALIZER, DESIGNER, CARICATURIST, POET, AMONG MANY, MANY, MANY MORE THINGS ...)
Have you ever felt alone I mean really alone?I have and there is nothing good about it. I made this my signature song for the time and trial I am in at the moment and I will not stop putting my faith in Jesus. I will not ever believe that He will not pull me through my trial He has been there for me so many times and he will never fail me now.I call things that are not in faith believing that my God can and will do it for me.Pray, pray believe live and walk in faith.