Leo Lutz 2019-06-03 20:37:59 | Profile oh wow thanks for this - my mum used to sing this one, reminds me of her. :)
Tricia Pardo 2019-05-23 16:29:55 | Profile Lol. My parents totally loved this!! it reminded them or their much younger days.
Sarah Risher 2019-05-15 11:22:52 | Profile Who owns the rights to this song? I want to buy the rights to use it in one of my short films.
Dylan Baseraba 2019-05-12 05:17:27 | Profile no one believed me when i told them about this song ha ha
Raymond Garcia 2019-05-07 17:41:14 | Profile my mates mum pulled the light bulb out so the man in the fridge cant turn the light on to save electric